SAVAGE BEAT 'Wired' 12" LP (re-press)

One of the most exciting debuts of last year was – without a doubt – released by Dutch outfit Savage Beat! Surprising both friend and foe with the superb “Trench Warfare” 12”/MCD/CASS, the lads from Amsterdam, Holland instantly raised the bar. Not just for the ‘competition’, but for themselves as well! No pressure, or so it seems, because with their first full-length “Wired”, they are coming out stronger than before!
Kicking out the jams in a grey area of ’77 punk, proto-Oi! and pub rock, Savage Beat delivers you another round of clean, Chiswick guitars, ’77 thrills and – indeed – savage beats! Proving the world it’s not dealing with a one day fly, the boys – known for their work in bands such as The Shining, The Works, Wanderlust and much more – crank out their best cuts to date, not to be missed by anyone into early punk and Oi! music! Time to take it further, time to get fuckin’ wired!
01. Take It Further
02. So Much Hate
03. Tar & Feathers
04. Down The Drain
05. Wired
06. On The Outside
07. Man’s Thunder
08. Leather On Leather
09. All Odds Against You
10. Nowhere To Run